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Home » What it is normally like on opening day fishing Yellowstone National Park

What it is normally like on opening day fishing Yellowstone National Park

No one knows what the weather forecast will look like for the first day of the 2022 fishing season. That will be the biggest unknown factor. Even so, there are many things you can count on. It is for certain that not all the streams in the park will be in good enough condition to have much opportunity of catching good numbers of trout. Many of the streams flow in the higher elevations of the park and will still have ice in the water and some in the highest elevations will be iced over. However, there are some streams in the lower elevations of the park that will be suitable to fish where you should have very good opportunity to catch good numbers of trout. For example, one you can count on is the Firehole River and that is what I will write about today.

Other than its advantage of being at a lower elevation, much of, if not the most of the water in the Firehole River comes from underground. The Firehole River starts right below the rim of the Yellowstone Caldera. It flows north to pass by the Old Faithful Geyser as well as the Lone Star Geyser, the Upper, Midway, and Lower Geyser Basins, and the Grand Prismatic Spring. It ends where it merges with the Madison River near the Madison Junction. This is the first stream you should consider fishing at the very first days of the season. We will continue writing about the river on our next post. Meantime, you can get a lot of useful information on this page.

By the way, I hope you were able to get away from the Covid problem to fish the streams of the park this past season. We will be glad to help you plan that next trip to fish in the park. We can help you with your needed reservations, streams to fish, flies and gear needed for any given period of time. You can call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at As always, shipping within the continental United States is free.